Webinar Gallery

The Directorate of Prevention, Resilience and Readiness conducts a monthly outreach webinar series focused on topics relevant to the field. These webinars serve as a forum for learning, exchanging ideas, and discussing the latest research, policies, tools and best practices with leading practitioners and national subject matter experts. Sign up to receive webinar announcements directly into your inbox.

Ethics, Boundaries & Confidentiality
Presenter: Presenter: Alejandro Palacios

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Optimize Your Social Connections
to Improve Your Health and Resilience
Presenter: Alaina Hansom, Ph.D.

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Worldwide Workforce
Presenter: Beth Conlin

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New Reforms
Presenters: COL Robert Rodrigues
and Stacey Hale

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Feeling Listened To
Presenters: COL (P) Paul T. Krattiger and Amy Adler, Ph.D.

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Strategies for Lethal Means Safety
Presenter: Dr. Emmy Betz

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Enhancing Financial Well-Being
Presenter: Robyn Mroszczyk

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Building Blocks of Resiliency
Presenter: Joy Ingram

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Social Determinants of Readiness
Presenter: Latoya Johnson

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One Second of Hope
Presenter: Leslie Weirich

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Stress and Physical Performance
Presenter: Whitney Tramel

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Ethical Practices and Responsibilities
Presenter: Alejandro Palacios

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The Unspoken Struggle
Presenter: Sgt. Maj. Justin E. Shad

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SHARP Transformation: A Victim-Centric Perspective
Presenters: Jill Londagin, Andrea Bryant & Sergeant First Class Chatonna Spicer

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I-PAG: Context, Guidance and Implementation
Presenter: Sarah Sullivan, M.S.

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DEIA and HighPerforming Teams
Presenter: Dr. Lyle J. Hogue

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Leading Through Tough Times
Presenter: Lt. Gen. Russel Honoré

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Increase Resilience and Readiness
Presenter: Sgt. Maj. Sharita Onugha

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Personal Reflections
Presenter: Lieutenant Colonel Jacob Cool

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Introduction to the U.S. Army Office of Special Trial Counsel
Presenter: Col. Robert Stelle

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How Data Informs Efforts
Presenters: Ms. Renee Johnson and
Ms. Latoya Johnson

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SHARP Program Training
Presenters: Col. Lawrence M. Burns & Sgt. Maj. Sharita N. Onugha

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Teamwork, Success and Sobriety
Presenter: Col. Eric Kreitz

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Unhealthy Relationships
Presenter: Author Janine Latus

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Suicide Prevention and Spirituality
Presenter: Author Dr. Lisa Miller

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Ethics and Character Development Solutions for Behavioral Problems
Presenter: Dr. Peter Kilner, USMA

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Love Better: Healthy Relationships
and Consent
Presenter: Annie Forrest

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