
The Directorate of Prevention, Resilience and Readiness newsroom offers a variety of digital outlets with important information and resources to help
Army Soldiers stay engaged, knowledgeable, resilient and disciplined.

  • Articles - The latest news relevant to its programs and the entire Army community.
  • Blog - Stories of survivors, prevention tips and overall advice on resilience that enlighten Army Soldiers.
  • Fact Sheets - Information on programs and resources for the Army community.
  • Media Resources - Policies, resources, and capabilities for individuals and leaders for increasing the resilience and readiness of the Force.
  • Newsletter - The Community Link newsletter is an authorized bi-monthly publication produced by the Army Resilience Directorate for the Army community.
  • Podcasts - The Resilience Round Up Podcast is a monthly podcast series that offers resources to help Soldiers maintain resilience.
  • Speaker Request - Need an expert to speak at your event or for your program? Fill out the form, providing information on the audience, the topic and other essential details.
  • Videos - Educational videos highlighting the R2, SHARP, Suicide Prevention and ASAP programs.
  • Webinars - Monthly outreach webinar series focused on topics relevant to the field.