Resilience in Focus

When you need an instant mood boost or a quick tip to get you through the week–or through the next 15 minutes–Resilience in Focus can help. This series of tools and infographics cover common challenges like how to make stress work for you (stress can be good, really), become more optimistic (it is possible!), cultivate mindfulness (what is that, exactly?) and stick to your goals (at last!). Start by exploring the topics below, and when you have time to learn more, reach out to your nearest R2 Performance Center to schedule an individual or group workshop.

Put it in Perspective to Enhance Ethical Decision-Making

Have you ever been in a seemingly impossible situation and catastrophized? Catastrophizing is when you waste critical energy contemplating irrational, worst-case outcomes of a situation, which prevents you from taking purposeful action.

Train Your Mind at R2 Performance Centers

Ready and Resilient is the Army's strategy for strengthening individual and unit personal readiness while fostering a culture of trust. R2 Performance Experts teach resilience life skills, building mental toughness, strong relationships and character, and enabling critical thinking, problem-solving, and effective communication. R2 Performance Centers provide training and education resources to active-duty, reserve, and National Guard Soldiers, Family members and DA Civilians at 32 R2 Performance Centers across the Army enterprise.

Capitalize Connection to Multiply Joy

Many people believe the strength of a relationship depends on the answer to the question, “Will you be there for me when things go wrong?” While social support is important, we now know, based on the work of Dr. Shelly Gable, professor of psychology at UC Santa Barbara, is that the strength of a relationship depends on the answer to the question, “Will you be there for me when things go right?”

5 Communication Strategies to Connect with Children

The ways we communicate with youth can have a lasting impact on their social and emotional development, as well as how they build and sustain relationships with others throughout their lives. We can communicate with children in intentional ways to get the most out of our conversations and interactions. Try using these five strategies to enhance your communication with children.

Controlling the Controllables

Each day, humans have a finite amount of energy they can expend. A process to enhance productive change and prioritize daily energy use is “controlling the controllables,” which is identifying the parts of a task that you can influence.

Help Others Seek the Right Help

Resilience skills and strategies can help ensure we grow and thrive in the face of adversity, recover to full strength, understand the root of problems, identify what we can control and set goals.

Create Good Habits for Financial Well-Being

Learn how to form good habits for financial well-being with a four-step process: cue, craving, response and reward.

Winter Wellness Tips

When winter approaches, your routines may change as the days get darker earlier and bitter cold or snowfall prevents you from getting outdoors for exercise or to engage in your favorite hobbies.

Be Aware of Nonverbals

Effective communication is essential in any relationship. Nonverbal communication consists of the way you look, listen, move and react.

Power of Imagination

Our imagination is a powerful performance and life-enhancing tool we can learn to harness. We tend to create images in our minds of future events that we hope to get right and past events that we wish we could correct. Research shows (Holmes & Collins, 2001) that imagery is a highly effective tool, especially when we can’t physically practice preparing for a situation.

Better Manage Your Energy

For each performance a certain amount of energy is required for you to do your best. To identify how much energy you need to perform optimally, determine what your attention, physiology and emotions should be like.

Deliberate Attention Control

Attention control is a skill that allows us to shift our focus to successfully perform a task. Dr. Robert M. Nideffer and Roger C. Sharpe developed. a model of attention control that shows how individuals tend to shift attention during a performance.

Boost Your Confidence

Confidence is your belief in your ability to accomplish a given task. Being confident is associated with greater psychological well-being, increased motivation and prolonged persistence in tasks, as well as a greater likelihood of successful behavior change.

Mental Resilience

Spiritual Resilience

Social Resilience

Physical Resilience